Midnight!!! Madness!!! Midnight!!! Madness!!!

                With all the major corporate outlets burnt to a crisp from Black Friday, it’s time to shift your shopping habits locally. This Thursday night is the return of DARBI’s annual December Midnight Madness shopping extraordinaire. Come hunt for holiday gifts at a normal hour, 6 p.m.—midnight, and bring home a sampling of Davis Square.

A smattering of retail shops and restaurants will have their own special sales and discounts. Everything from dusty ol’ antiques to homemade pasta, original artwork to comics—you’ll feel like a bag lady hopped up on amphetamines. Here are only a few of participating businesses: The Boston Shaker, Kickass Cupcakes, Magpie, When Pigs Fly, Dave’s Fresh Pasta, etc. A full list is available online.

Before the event, show a little charity, and bring canned goods to Thalia Tringo & Associates Real Estate office (128 Willow Ave.) at 5:30 p.m. for the Somerville Homeless Coalition.  http://yourdavissquare.com/darbis-midnight-madness-in-davis-square

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